Department of Livestock Products Technology

Dr. P.K. Singh

CONTACT NO.:+91-9411160091, +91-9068699871

Research Areas/ Areas of Interest

  • Value added milk products

  • Research Projects

  • Completed University funded project as PI

  • Selected Research Publications

    1. Singh, P. K., Tanwar, V. K., Kumar, A. and Upadhyay, A. K., (2016). Comparative Studies of Physical Qualities of Singori (A Type of Sweet) of Kumaon. Jour. of Agri. &Vety. Sci. 9 (1). 45-47.

    2. Singh, P. K., Tanwar, V. K., Upadhyay, A. K., and Kumar, A. (2016). Comparative Studies of Microbiological Qualities of Singori (A Type of Sweet) of Kumaon. International Jour. of Innovative Res. & Development. 5 (1). 45-47.

    3. Singh, P. K., Tanwar, V. K., Upadhyay, A. K., and Kumar, A. (2016). Studies on storage Qualities of Singori (A Type of Sweet) of Kumaon region. Jour. of Agri. &Vety. Sci. 9 (1). 53-56.

    4. Singh, P. K., Tanwar, V. K., Upadhyay, A. K. and Kumar, A., (2016). Comparative Studies of Chemical Qualities of Singori (A Type of Sweet) of Kumaon. International Jour. of Natural and applied Sci. 3 (1). 20-24.

    5. Monika, Upadhyay, A. K., Singh, S. P., Singh, P. K., and Kumar, A. (2016). Isolation, Epidemiological and Molecular Characterization of Campylobacter from Meat. International Jour. of Innovative Res. & Development. 5 (1). 246-248.

    PG Student Guided

  • Guided 5 PG Students & 1 Ph.D. Student (Under guidance)