Dr. Viveka Nand Head, Department of Chemistry, College of Basic Sciences And Humanities Contacts +91-7500241414 (M) imvivekanand[at]gmail[dot]com
About Us
The department of Chemistry has been devoted towards quality teaching and research since inception. The department presently conducts M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in agricultural chemicals and chemistry. Presently department has two Assistant Professors and seven Professors. The department has substantial potential of teaching and research in the area of agricultural sciences with emphasis on agrochemicals, phytochemistry, green chemistry, pesticide residue, bio inorganic, plant microbiology and material science. Since past couple of decades, substantial funding has been availed by the department from DRDO, UGC, DBT, DST, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Uttarakhand Council of Science and Technology, private organizations and DST, FIST. The department is equipped with necessary modern analytical facilities for fundamental and applied research. The department has collaborations with various national institutes and universities for multidisciplinary research. The worth of dissemination of research through quality publications and patents has been established by the department. Many patents have been granted to department and a number are in the process of grant.
- Development of human resource to meet the national and international standards.
- Development of laboratory as per GLP norms for quality education and research.
- Development of befitting technologies for agrochemicals and chemical industries.
- Strengthening modern analytical techniques for quality teaching and research.
Degrees Offered
Courses Offered
Course Code | Course Name | Credits |
Under-Graduate | ||
BPC-141 | Elements of Organic Chemistry | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-145 | Chemistry | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-150 | Organic Chemistry | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-161 | Engineering Chemistry I | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-162 | Engineering Chemistry II | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-163 | Engineering Chemistry III | 4(3-0-1) |
Post-Graduate | ||
BPC-500 | General Chemistry | 4(3-0-1) |
BPC-503 | Methods of Pesticide Analysis For Quality Control | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-504 | Formulation Chemistry | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-505 | Introduction to Agro chemicals | 2(2-0-1) |
BPC-511 | Radiotracer Tech. in Mol. Biol. | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-512 | Radioisotopic Techniques in Mechanical Engg. | 1(0-0-1) |
BPC-531 | Organic Chemistry | 3(3-0-0) |
BPC-532 | Chemistry of Dyes and Pigments | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-533 | Chemistry of Fibres | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-534 | Preparation and identification of Organic Compounds | 2(0-0-2) |
BPC-600 | Master's Seminar | 1/2 |
BPC-601 | pecial Problem | 2 |
BPC-602 / BBE-602 | Environmental Chemistry | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-606 | Synthetic Agro Chemicals for Insects & Mites Mgt | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-607 | Synthetic Agro Chemicals for Fungi & Nematodes Mgt. | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-608 | Synthetic Agro Chemicals for Weed Mgt. | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-611 | Chromatographic Methods of Analysis | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-612 | Optical Methods of Analysis | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-613 | Electroanalytical Methods of Analysis | 1(0-0-1) |
BPC-614 | Spectroscopic and Chromatographic Techniques | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-615 | Radiochemistry | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-616 | Use of Radio Isotopes in Research | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-621 | Inorganic Chemistry I | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-622 | Inorganic Chemistry II | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-623 | Advance in Organic Chemistry | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-624 | Coordination Chemistry | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-625 | Quantitative Inorganic Analysis | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-631 | Mechanism of Organic Reaction | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-632 | Heterocyclic Chemistry | 3(3-0-0) |
BPC-633 | Chemistry of Terpenoids and steroids | 4(3-0-1) |
BPC-634 | Chemistry of Carbohydrates and Lipids | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-635 | Vitamins and Hormones | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-636 | Advanced organic synthesis | 2(0-0-2) |
BPC-637 | Quantitative organic Analysis | 2(0-0-2) |
BPC-638 | Organic Synthesis | 3(1-0-2) |
BPC-639 | Spectroscopic Methods Of Analysis | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-641 | Physical Chemistry | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-642 | Electrochemistry | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-643 | Biophysical Chemistry | 2(1-0-1) |
BPC-644 | Advanced Physical Chemistry | 3(3-0-0) |
BPC-651 | Analytical Chemistry | 3(1-0-2) |
BPC-653 | Green Chemistry | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-660 | Chemistry of Polymers | 3(2-0-1) |
BPC-661 | Medicinal Chemistry | 3(3-0-0) |
BPC-690 | Master's Thesis Research | 20 |
BPC-701 | Advances in Agro Chemicals | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-702 | Research Techniques in Agro Chemicals | 2(0-0-2) |
BPC-703 | Recent Advances in Pesticides Formulations | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-711 | Spectroscopic and Separation Methods | 3(3-0-0) |
BPC-721 | Special Topics in inorganic Chemistry | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-731 | Advanced Organic Chemistry | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-732 | Chemistry of Bioactive Natural Products | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-741 | Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry | 2(2-0-0) |
BPC-743 | Special Topics in Agro Chemicals | 2(0-0-2) |
BPC-788 | Doctoral Seminar I | 1(1-0-0) |
BPC-790 | Doctoral Seminar II | 1(1-0-0) |
BPC-790 | Ph.D. Thesis Research | 45 |
Departmental Facilities
HPLC (Preparative & semi preparative), G.C. UV-Vis Spectrophotometers, Supercritical Reactor, Gel Permeation chromatograph, HPLC, Semi preparative HPLC, Photochemical Reactor, Luminometer, Electro Chemical Work Station, Four Probe conductivity meter, Ultrasonicator, FT-IR spectrophotometer.

Dr. Viveka Nand
Professor & Head

Dr. M.G.H. Zaidi

Dr. Virendra Kasana

Dr. Anjana Srivastava

Dr. Om Prakash
+91-9411159551, +91-8475005999

Dr. Shishir Tandon
Senior Research Officer

Dr. Ravendra Kumar
Assistant Professor

Dr. Sameena Mehtab
Assistant Professor