Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding

Dr. Bijendra Narayan Shahi

SPECIALISATION:Animal Breeding and Molecular Genetics
CONTACT NO.:+91-9410587169

Research Areas/Areas of interest

  • Animal Breeding and Molecular Genetics

  • Research Projects

    On Going Research Projects:

    S.No. Designation Title of Project Funding agency Duration
    Project Leader Network Project on Animal Genetic Resources - Characterize/ Conserve the Animal Genetic Resources of Uttarakhand ICAR, NBAGR Long Term Started on 18/10/2023 (Continued)
    Co-Project Leader AICRP on Frieswal Cattle (Field Progeny Testing) ICAR, New Delhi Continued

    Previously Executed Research Projects

    S.No. Designation Title of Project Funding agency Duration
    Co-Project Leader All India Coordinated Research Project on Sahiwal -DRU ICAR, New Delhi Long term
    Co-Project Leader North - Western Himalayan Bio- informatics Grid" Comparative genome sequencing for identification of valuable genes in indigenous Badri cow (Hill Cattle) of Uttarakhand DBT 3 years, Started from 2019
    Co-Project Leader Bt. Seed Feeding Studies in Lactating Buffaloes University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka Started on 1st March, 2021 for a period of two years
    Co- Coordinator Training Modules for Gaushala Managers/ workers on Management of Gaushala and preparation of useful products from cow urine and dung Animal Welfare Board of India Started on 3rd August, 2021 for a period of two years
    Associated Scientist Integrated Farming System & Human Resources Planning & Management for Livelihood Security and Capacity Building of Tribal Community in Uttarakhand ICAR, Tribal Sub Plan Long Term
    Co- Project Leader/ Consultant/Member Export standards, guidelines and promotion for Natural Agriculture Products APEDA, Govt. of India Two years

    Selected Research Publications

    1. Rahman, Javid Ur; Kumar, D. Singh, S.P.; Shahi, B.N.; Ghosh, A.K.; Kumar, Anil; Dar, A.H.; Ahmad, S.F;. Pathak, Abhishek; Verma, M.K. 2024. Genetic diversity, population structure analysis and codon substitutions of Indicine Badri cattle using ddRAD sequencing. 3 Biotech, 14(2): 46.

    2. Rahman, Javid Ur; Kumar, D.; Singh, S.P.; Shahi, B.N. and Ghosh, A.K. 2023. Genome- wide identification and annotation of SNPs and their mapping in candidate genes related to milk production and fertility traits in Badri cattle. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 55(2):117.

    3. Girimal, Dhanraj; Kumar, D; Shahi, B. N.; Ghosh, A. K. and Kumar, Sundip.2022. Sire evaluation using conventional methods and animal models in Sahiwal cattle. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 92 (4): 492-496.

    4. Arya, Vineeta; Shahi, B. N.; Kumar, D.; Barwal, R.S.; Kumar, Sunil and Gautam Lokesh. 2020. Comparison of lactation curve models for fortnightly test day milk yield. Indian Journal of Animal Science.90 (3). 140-144.

    5. Sarma, Momi; Shahi, B N; Kumar, D.; Kumar, Sundip and Barwal, R. S. 2018. Assessing genetic variability in Udaipuri goat using microsatellite markers. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 88(5): 620-622.

    6. Ganie, Z.A.; Kumar, D.; Kumar, Sundip; Shahi, B.N. and Ghosh, A.K. .2017. Genetic diversity analysis of Chaugarkha goat using microsatellite markers. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 87(1): 122-124.


  • Young Scientist Award for outstanding contribution in Animal Genetics & Breeding, conferred by JMD Educational Society, U.P.

  • Best Poster Presentation awardISAGB held at IVRI, Izatnagar (UP) in 2017.

  • Excellence in Teaching Award in National Agricultural Convention in 2017 at Rajasthan
  • Yashasvi Samman awarded- by Royal Association For Science –Led-Socio Cultural Advancement Society New Delhi.