Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding

Dr. C.B. Singh

CONTACT NO.:+91-9458359352

Research Areas/Areas of interest

  • Cross breed Cattle (Frieswal)

  • Selected Research Publications

    1. Khadda, B.S.; Singh, Brijesh; Singh, D.V.; Singh, J.L.; Singh, S.K.; Singh, C.B.; Singh, Dheeraj. (2018). "Invantory of traditional ethno-veterinary practices fallowed by goat keepers in uttarakhand". Ind.J. of traditional knowledge. 17(1): 155-161.

    2. Singh C.B. and Kumar D. (2008) Genetic parameters of production traits of native fowl of Garhwal Himalayas. Ind. J.Poult Sci. 43(3): 361-362.

    3. Singh C.B. (2008) Inheritance of growth and confirmation trails in CARI Dhanraja broiler strain. Ind.J.Poult sci. 43(2): 243-244.

    4. Singh C.B. and Jilani M.H. (2008) Genetic studies on reproductive and productive trails in German Angura Rabbits under temperate climate conditions of Garhwal Himalayas. Ind. J.Ani.Sci. 78(3): 285-288.

    5. Singh C.B. and Sharma R.J. (2000) Utilization of different litter materials for Raising Commercial Broilers in hilly area. Ind. J.Ani.Res. 34(I): 78-79.

    6. Singh C.B. and Yadav M.C. (1989) Inheritance of carcass trails of Barbari goat and its half-breds with indigenous breeds. Ind. J. Ani. Sci. 59(II): 1454-1457.