Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding

Dr. C.V. Singh

DESIGNATION:Professor & Head
CONTACT NO.:+91-7248486041

Research Areas/Areas of interest

  • Animal /Poultry Breeding

  • Selected Research Publications

    1. Singh, C.V. and Barwal R.S. (2012).Use of different animal models in prediction on genetic parameters of first lactation and herd life traits of Murrah buffaloes. Indian J. Dairy Sci. 65(5):1-6.

    2. Ravindra Kumar, Singh, C.V and Barwal, R.S. (2013). Estimation of genetic parameters and evalutation of sires for growth and fleece yield traits using animal model in Chokla sheep. Animal Molecular Breeding, 2013. Vol. 03, No. 02, 4-15.

    3. Bajetha, G., Singh, C.V., Barwal, R.S. (2015). Sire evaluation by different methods in crossbred cattle. American Advances Journal of Natural Sciences,1(1),22-26.

    4. Lodhi Geeta ; Singh, C.V. ; Barwal, R.S. and Shahi, B.N. (2016).Estimation of Sire’s Breeding Value by Animal Model and Conventional Methods for Milk Production in Crossbred Cattle. Journal of Agriculture and Crops. 2(3):31-34

    5. Singh, Jaswant and Singh, C.V. (2016). Evaluation of Sires Using Different Sire Evaluation Methods on the Basis of First Lactation Traits in Sahiwal Cattle. J Veterinar Sci Technol (7),2:296(P1-6)