Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding

Dr. Mumtesh Kumar Saxena

SPECIALISATION:Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
CONTACT NO.:+91-9458269455

Research Areas/Areas of interest

  • Genetic Engineering with special reference to the development of sub-unit vaccine
  • Molecular marker for analysis of genetic variations
  • Application of nano-adjuvant systems for vaccines delivery

  • Research Projects

    Completed/Ongoing Research Projects:

    S.No. PI/Co-PI Title of Project Funding Agency/ Duration
    PI Molecular Typing and Virulence gene analysis of Salmonella in North India DST
    Co-PI Serological and molecular characterization of etiological agents of Inclusion body Hepatitis and hydro-paricardium syndrome in fowl with special reference to development of suitable vaccine (2005-2008)
    PI / Co-PI Characterization of potent protective antigens of Pasteurella multocida and development of recombinant DNA vaccine DBT
    PI Molecular Typing and Virulence gene analysis of Salmonella in North India DBT
    Project Mentor Expression of Omp28 with special reference to development of r-DNA vaccine of Salmonella DST
    PI   Creation of double gene mutant (stn and inv)of Salmonella Typhimurium and testing of immune-potential of mutant DBT
    Co-PI Molecular epidemiology of fowl adenoviruses and establishment of their causal association with different clinical conditions in domestic fowl ICAR New Delhi
    Co-PI Recombinant pantone base and fiber proteins of inclusion body hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome virus of poultry: Production and testing of immune-potential (2016-19)
    Project Mentor Synthesis, Characterization and testing of immune-potential of      nanoparticlesadjuvanted oralvaccineofSalmonellaTyphimuriuminpoultry DST
    Co-PI Design, synthesis characterization , In silico and in vitro evaluation of novel cur cumin analogs as adjunct drugs testing breast cancer stem cells Uttarakhand Council of Biotechnology

    Selected Research Publications

    1. Saxena, M. K., Singh, V. P., Kumar, A. A., Chaudhuri, P., Singh, V. P., Shivachandra, S. B., & Sharma, B. (2006). REP-PCR analysis of Pasteurella multocida isolates from wild and domestic animals in India. Veterinary Research Communications.. 30(8), 851-861.

    2. Singh Y, Saxena A, Singh S.P, Verma M.K, Kumar A, Kumar A, Mrigesh M, Saxena M.K. (2022). Calcium phosphate adjuvanted nanoparticles of outer membrane proteins of Salmonella Typhi as a candidate for vaccine development against Typhoid fever. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 71(4):001529

    3. Singh Y. and Saxena M.K. (2022). Insights into the recent advances in nano-bioremediation of pesticides from the contaminated soil. Frontiers in Microbiology.13.982611. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.982611.

    4. Singh Y, Kumar A, Saxena A, Bhatt P, Singh S.P, Kumar A, Mrigesh M, Saxena M.K.(2022). Assessment of free radicals and reactive oxygen species milieu in Nanoparticles adjuvanted outer membrane proteins vaccine againstSalmonella Typhi. Archives of Microbiology. 204

    5. Mohanta, D., Pilkhwal, D., Singh, Y., Shukla, M., Kumar, A. 2024. Detection and correlation of virulence determinants ampicillin resistant isolates of Salmonella Typhimurium. Indian Journal of Microbiology. doi: 10.1007/s12088-024-01423-2.

    Other Information

    Fellowships and Felicitations

  • Recipient of Fellowships awarded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Indian Council of Agriculture and Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.
  • Our research team has been facilitated more than ten times by various International, National and State Scientific societies in various seminars, conferences and symposiums