Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding

Dr. R.S. Barwal

CONTACT NO.:+91-9412017011

Research Projects

S.No. PI/Co-PI Title
1. Co-PI Enhancing Sustainable Livelihoods and Economic Empowerment among Tribal Families in Uttarakhand through Scientific Goat Farming (In Operation)

Selected Research Publications

  1. Lodhi, Geeta; Singh, C.V.; Barwal, R.S.; Shahi, B.N. and Dalal (2015). Estimation of sires’ breeding values by different sire evaluation methods for selection of sires in crossbred cattle . J.Vet. Sci, Med. Diagn. 4(5):1-5.

  2. Singh, C.V. and Barwal R.S. (2012). Use of different animal models in prediction on genetic parameters of first lactation and herd life traits of Murrah buffaloes. Indian Journal of Dairy Science 65(5), 399-404.

  3. Barwal, R.S.; Singh, C.V. and Singh, S. (2011). Characterization of Udaipuri goat in its native tract. Journal of Livestock Biodiversity 3(2), 61-64.

  4. Singh, C.V. and Barwal, R.S. (2009). Characterization of Chaugarkha goats in their home tract. Indian Journal of Small Ruminants 15 (2), 274-276.

  5. Barwal, R.S.; Bhadula, S.K. and Singh, R.V. (1993). Construction of restricted selection indices for egg production traits. Indian Journal of Poultry Science 29(2), 122-125.

Books/Book Chapters

  1. Singh, C.V and Barwal, R.S. (2013) Genetic Improvement of Livestock and Poultry. NIPA, New Delhi ISBN: 978-93-81450-82-6
  2. Singh, C.V. and Barwal, R.S. (2015). Livestock and Poultry Conservation and Improvement techniques. NIPA, New Delhi, ISBN: 9789383305629


  • Best Poster Presentation award for the paper authored by Sarma, Momi; Shahi, B. N.; Kumar, D.; Kumar, Sundip; Barwal, R.S. and Singh, Brijesh. (2017). Characterization of Udaipuri goat of Uttarakhand using Microsatellite Markers. In: The Proceedings of the XIIIIth National Conference on “Challenges in Quantitative Genetics for Improvement of Indigenous Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) and Annual Convention of Indian Society of Animal Genetics and Breeding (ISAGB) held at IVRI, Izatnagar (UP) from January 19-20 2017.