Department of Veterinary Pathology
Dr. Munish Batra
DESIGNATION: | Professor |
SPECIALISATION: | Veterinary Pathology |
EMAIL: | batramunish74[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9837931431 |
Research Areas/Areas of interest
Selected Research Publications
- Batra, M., Pruthi, A.K., Narang, G., Virmani, N. and Kamil S.A. 2017. Pathological studies on the Pasteurella multocida A: 1 outer membrane proteins vaccinated layer chickens challenged with homologous strain. International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research, 15(3): 165-174.
- Kattoor, J.J., Malik, Y.P.S., Kumar, N., Sharma, K., Sircar, S., Batra, M., Dhama, K. and Singh, R.K. 2014. Development of VP6 gene specific reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR assay for detection of avian group D rotavirus in diarrheic chickens. Journal of Veterinary Science and Medical Diagnosis, 3(3): 1-4.
- Malik, Y.P.S., Sharma, K., Vaid, N. Batra, M., Prasad, M., Prasad, G., Gulati, B.R. and Bhilegaonkar, K.N. 2013.Designing and validation of new primers for efficient genotyping of animal G3 rotaviruses. VETERINARSKI ARHIV, 83(6): 611-622.
- Batra, M., Pruthi, A.K., Kamil, S. A. and Virmani, N. 2008. Biochemical changes in the Pasteurella multocida A: 1 outer membrane proteins vaccinated layer chickens challenged with local strain of Pasteurella multocida. Indian J. Poultry Sci., 43(3): 317-320.
- Batra, M., Pruthi, A.K., Kamil, S. A. and Virmani, N. 2008. Protective efficacy of outer membrane proteins of Pasteurella multocida A: 1 as vaccine against local isolate challenge in layer chickens. Indian J. Poultry Sci., 43(2): 227-230.