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Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) Programme

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GIAN Course on "Industrial Wastewater Management towards Sustainable and Safe Environment
  • Dr. H.J. Shiva PRASAD
  • Local Coordinator, GIAN Programme,
  • College of Technology
  • GBPUA&T, Pantnagar

  • Contacts
  • Phone: +91-5944-233491 (Off P.P.), +91-9719245303, +91-8449859593
  • E-mail: sptce[at]gbpuat-tech[dot]ac[dot]in,
    gmail [dot]com


Global Initiative for Academic Network (GIAN) programme approved by Union Cabinet in Higher Education aimed at tapping the talent pool of Scientist and Entrepreneur Internationally to encourage their engagement with the institutes of higher Education in India so as to augment the country’s existing academic resources, accelerate the pace of quality reform, and elevate India’s scientific and technological capacity to global excellence. In order to (i) gather the best international experience into our systems of education, (ii) enable interaction of students and faculty with the best academic and industry experts from all over the world, (iii) share their experiences and expertise to motivate people to work on Indian problems, there is a need for a Scheme of International Summer and Winter Term.


The proposed GIAN is envisaged to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To increase the footfalls of reputed international faculty in the Indian academic institutes.
  2. Provide opportunity to our faculty to learn and share knowledge and teaching skills in cutting edge areas.
  3. To provide opportunity to our students to seek knowledge and experience from reputed International faculty.
  4. To create avenue for possible collaborative research with the international faculty
  5. To increase participation and presence of international students in the academic Institutes.
  6. Opportunity for the students of different Institutes/Universities to interact and learn subjects in niche areas through collaborative learning process.
  7. Provide opportunity for the technical persons from Indian Industry to improve understandings and update their knowledge in relevant areas.
  8. Motivate the best international experts in the world to work on problems related to India.
  9. Develop high quality course material in niche areas, both through video and print that can be used by a larger body of students and teachers.
  10. To document and develop new pedagogic methods in emerging topics of national and international interest.

MHRD has constituted a GIAN Implementation Committee headed by Secretary (HE), MHRD to finalize and approve the GIAN implementation through courses.

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