Department of Agricultural Communication

Dr. M.A. Ansari

SPECIALISATION:ICT applications in Agriculture and Rural Development, Gender studies/ women empowerment, Development Communication, e-Learning/ e-Readiness, etc.
CONTACT NO.:+91-9411195410

Research Areas/Areas of interest

  • ICT

  • Selected Research Publications

    1. Rupan Raghuvanshi, M. A. Ansari and Amardeep. 2017. A Study of Farmers' Awareness about Climate Change and Adaptation Practices in India. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences 3 (6).

    2. Rupesh Ranjan, M. A. Ansari and Arjun P. Verma. 2017. Farmers’ Perception towards Effectiveness of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs): A Study in Uttarakhand, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6 (3 )

    3. Yogita Navani and M. A. Ansari. 2016. A study of e-learning readiness of University faculty. International Journal of Current Research, 8 (8)

    4. Pooja Tamta and M. A. Ansari. 2015. A study of University students’ perceptions towards e-Learning. International Journal of Extension Education, 11 (2), 6-11

    5. M. A. Ansari, Neha Pandey. 2013. Assessing the potential and use of mobile telephones in agriculture. Karnataka Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 26 (3).