Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding

Dr. A.S. Jeena
DESIGNATION: | Professor & Dean Student Welfare |
SPECIALISATION: | Sugarcane Breeding Genetics & Plant Breeding |
EMAIL: | dr[dot]asjeena[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9412120767 |
Research Areas/ Areas of Interest
Research Projects
Research Projects (On-going)
- Programme Coordinator in project “All India Coordinated Research Project on Sugarcane”
- PI in DST project “Empowering farming communities for conservation of plant genetic wealth of Uttarakhand through community participation, protection of landraces and farmers varieties and benefit sharing”
Research Projects (Completed)
- Nodal Officer (PI for the centre) in project “Development of organic package of practices for various farming situations of Uttaranchal” funded by Uttarakhand Govt.
- Co-PI in project “Popularization of Bio-Fertilizers and Bio-Agents for Sustainable Crop Production through Colonization of Vermi-Compost” funded by NABARD
- PI in NMHS project “Collection, evaluation and conservation of native crops germplasm from Uttarakhand hills and pre-breeding through community participation” funded by GBPNIHESD, Kosi under MoEFCC
Selected Research Publications
- Tabassum, Jeena, A. S., Negi, A.S., and Koujalagi, D. 2020. Morphological evaluation & variability analysis of Brassica rapa germplasm accessions collected from Uttarakhand Hills. Green farming. 11(1): 72-74.
- Tabassum, Jeena, A. S., Negi, A.S., and Koujalagi, D. 2020. Correlation and path coefficient analysis on different yield components in Brassica rapa germplasm accessions collected from Uttarakhand hills. Green farming. 11(2&3):135-138
- Tabassum, Jeena, A. S., Negi, A.S., and Koujalagi, D. 2020. Genetic diversity analysis of Brassica rapa germplasm collected from Uttarakhand hills. J. Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 9(2): 2398-2401.
- Kumar, A., Jeena, A.S., Tabassum and Chawla, H.S. 2020. Screening of Finger millet germplasm for drought tolerance based on morphological, biochemical and physiological traits. Frontiers in Crop Improvement 8(1): 20-30.
- Jeena, A.S., Ankit, Tabassum and Rohit. 2020. Extent of nutraceutical micronutrient content in finger millet and barnyard millet germplasm collected from Uttarakhand. Frontiers in Crop Improvement 8(1): 63-67.
- Ranjana, Jeena, A.S., Kumar, A. and Rohit. 2020. Genetic analysis of barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea (Roxb.) Link) germplasm collected from Uttarakhand hills for Morphological Traits. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 9(3): 1001-1010
- Kumar, A., Singh, N.K., Jeena, A.S., Jaiswal, J.P., and Verma S.S. 2020. Evaluation of teosinte derived maize lines for drought tolerance. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 33(1):60-67
- Tabassum, Jeena, A. S., Negi, A.S., and Koujalagi, D. 2020. Morphological evaluation & variability analysis of Brassica rapa germplasm accessions collected from Uttarakhand Hills. Journal of Oilseed Brassicas. 11(2): 139-142.
- Jeena, A.S. Singh, S.P., Tabassum, Koujalagi, Deepak and Kumar, Ankit. 2019. Morphological characterization of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn.) germplasm collected from Uttarakhand. Frontiers in Crop Improvement. 7 (1): 19-23.
Administrative Experience /Other Responsibilities
Membership in Bodies/ committees on Education and National Development
Awards, Recognition and Professional activities
UG/PG/PhD student's information (up to 2019-2020)
Students Guided: | ||
Degree | Completed | Continuing |
As Chairman of Advisory Committee | ||
M.Sc. (Ag) Genetics & Plant Breeding | 05 | 01 |
Ph.D. Genetics & Plant Breeding | 03 | 02 |
As Member of Advisory Committee | ||
M.Sc. (Ag) Genetics & Plant Breeding | 16 | 03 |
M.Sc. (Ag) Veg. Science | 05 | 01 |
M.Sc. (Ag) Horticulture | 01 | 00 |
Ph.D. Genetics & Plant Breeding | 08 | 03 |
Ph.D. Veg. Science | 02 | - |