Department of Aquaculture

Dr. Avdhesh Kumar
DESIGNATION: | Professor & Head |
SPECIALISATION: | Biodiversity, Ecology, Taxonomy, Breeding, Disease and Parasitology |
EMAIL: | profakfish[at]gmail[dot]com |
CONTACT NO.: | +91-9411160102 (M) |
Research Area/ Area of Interest
Research Projects
- “Altitudinal Stratification of Flower visiting Insects and their role in the Conservation of High Altitude Vegetation Germplasm in Kullu and Lahaul-Spiti Regions, North-West Himalaya.”
- “Impact of Insecticide usage on Soil Fertility and Biodiversity and Bioremediation of Insecticide Residues in Groundnut and Cotton field” respectively
- “Causes and Control of Shoot Gall Formation in Mango by Apsylla cistellata, Buckton”(Principal Investigator) funded by ICAR(10 lac).
- “Ornamental Fish Breeding” (Principal Investigator) funded by GBPUA&T (0.5 lakh).
Selected Research Publications
- Kumar, Avdhesh, Singh Raghvendra and Pandey N.N., 2017. Isolation of Pathogenic Fungi from the Major Cultivated Coldwater fish species and their Environment in the Kumaon Region of Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 51(4):756-758. NAAS Rating 6.09.
- Singh, Raghu Nath and Kumar, Avdhesh, 2016. Beetroot as a Carotenoid source on Growth and color development in Red Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) fish. Imperial J. Interdisciplinary Research (IJR), 2(10):637-642. Impact Factor 3.7.
- Singh, Raghu Nath, Kumar, Avdhesh and Singh C. P., 2016. Effect of Feed Additive Spirulina platensis on Length-weight Relationship of Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) Fry. J. Exp. Zool. India, 19(2): 963-966. NAAS Rating 7.44.
- Kumar, Avdhesh, Singh Raghvendra and Pandey N.N., 2015. Isolation of Pathogenic Fungi from the Major Cultivated Coldwater fish species and their Environment in the Kumaon Region of Uttarakhand. Environment Economics and Social Sustainability, 42-48.
- Singh, Raghu Nath, Kumar, Avdhesh and Singh C. P., 2014. Effect of Spirulina platensis as Feed Additive on Survival and Growth of Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) Fry. Annals of Bio., 30 (1):135-139.