Dr. Avdhesh Kumar In-charge day today routine work (Charge of the Dean is with the Vice Chancellor) Contacts +91-5944-233377 (O), +91-9411160102 (M) +91-5944-233377, +91-5944-234406 deanfishgbpuat[at]gmail[dot]com
About us
The College of Fisheries established in 1985, at G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India is one of the premier institution, especially in the Inland Fisheries Sector, catering to professionally trained manpower, development of fish production technologies, transferring the technologies to fish culturists, entrepreneurs and the industry.
The College has played a great role in the establishment of fish farming in the inland sector of the country. A large number of modern fish farms have been established. Integrated fish farming has also been taken up. A number of the fish seed hatcheries have also been constructed in the private sector. Extensive farm facilities in the College provide a cradle for conducting research work on fish farming and for demonstration of frontline technologies to fish culturists.
The College is now emphasizing on the development and management of the high altitude fisheries in the vast freshwater resource, which exist in the form of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in the Central Himalayan region. Special emphasis is being put on the development of technology for the culture and hatchery seed production of endangered fish species. Innovative aquaculture techniques have been developed for increasing fish production from the reservoirs.
Facilities available to corporates visiting Pantnagar
The College of Fisheries has sufficient farm facilities for production as well as research work. It can provide facilities to the corporates for testing of feeds, growth promoters, inducing agents, immune enhancers, aquaculture equipments such as aerators etc. on payment basis. Since the College has a modern circular hatchery, fish culturists, entrepreneurs and fishery co-operatives can also obtain the quality fish seeds produced on a large scale.
The College also has infrastructure for launching joint ventures in fish feed production at commercial scale.
Since, the post harvest technology in freshwater fishery is non-existent at present there is great scope for the development of post-harvest sector in collaboration with the corporates. Joint venture in ornamental fish breeding can also be successfully run at the College.
S.No. | Name of Facility | Number | S.No. | Name of Facility | Number |
1. | Smart Class Room with modern facilities | 02 | 8. | Post Graduate Lab | 03 |
2. | Lecture Room | 02 | 9. | Research Lab | 03 |
3. | Meeting Hall | 01 | 10. | ARIS Cell | 01 |
4. | Committee Room | 01 | 11. | Hostel/Guest House | 01 |
5. | Information Centre | 01 | 12. | Examination Hall | 01 |
6. | Aquarium Room | 01 | 13. | Staff Room | 18 |
7. | Undergraduate Lab | 04 | 14. | Library | 01 |
S.No. | Name | Quantity | S.No. | Name | Quantity |
1. | Auto bomb calorimeter | 01 | 17. | Flake ice machine | 01 |
2. | Auto kjeltech (Nitrogen analyzer) | 01 | 18. | Non refrigerated centrifuge | 01 |
3. | Auto water analyzer | 02 | 19. | Nanodrop Spectrophotometer | 01 |
4. | Auto fibre Extraction Unit | 01 | 20. | PIT Tagging system | 01 |
5. | Automatic bomb calorimeter | 01 | 21. | Photometer | 01 |
6. | BOD-COD analyzer | 01 | 22. | Screen | 01 |
7. | Cold room | 01 | 23. | Shaking incubator | 01 |
8. | Deep freezer (-50 0C) | 01 | 24. | Refrigerated shaker and incubator | 01 |
9. | Deep freezer (-86 0C) | 01 | 25. | Refrigerated microfuge | 01 |
10. | Deep freezer (-80 0C) | 01 | 26. | Spectrophotometer | 02 |
11. | Electrophoresis systems with power supply | 02 | 27. | Programmable freezer for cryopreservation | 01 |
12. | Electronic balance | 05 | 28. | Spectrophotometer PC based | 01 |
13. | Fish meat bone separator | 01 | 29. | Soil extraction unit | 01 |
14. | Gradient PCR | 01 | 30. | Shaking water bath | 01 |
15. | Gel Documentation System | 01 | 31. | Water purification units | 02 |
16. | HPLC | 01 | 32. | Underwater camera | 01 |
Degree Programmes
Programme | Duration | Intake |
Bachelor of Fisheries Science | 4 years | 20 |
Master of Fisheries Science in Aquaculture | 2 years | 04 |
Master of Fisheries Science in Fisheries Resource Management | 2 years | 04 |
Master of Fisheries Science in Aquatic Environment Management | 2 years | 04 |
Master of Fisheries Science in Fish Harvest and Processing Technology | 2 years | -- |
Ph.D. in Fishery Resource Management | 2 years | 04 |
Ph.D. in Aquaculture | 2 years | 04 |
Research Programmes
- Culture of freshwater fish and shell fish.
- Breeding and hatchery seed production of carps and catfishes.
- Integrated fish-livestock farming
- Nutrition of cultivated fishes
- Fish-health management
- Aquatic environment and its management for sustainable fish production.
- Management of open water fisheries in lake and reservoirs
- Development of post-harvest sector in inland fisheries
Research Projects Undertaken
Title of project Funding Agency Outlay (in lakh) Period Principal Investigator Integrated farming system and human resource planning and management for livelihood security and capacity building of tribal community in Uttarakhand 1986-89 Dr. C.S. Singh ICAR 195.00 (Ist year-Total) 20.50 (Fisheries) 2013-18 Dr. R.N. Ram Establishment of recirculatory system under Institution of Excellence Grant ICAR 110.0 2008-Contd. Dean, C.F.Sc. Establishment of recirculatory system for capacity enhancement of fish and seed production units RKVY 174.80 2008-Contd. Dean, C.F.Sc. Establishment of rearing facility of mahseer RKVY 51.46 2008-Contd. Dean, C.F.Sc. Seed production in agricultural crops and fisheries (carps and catfishes) ICAR 42.12 2006-Contd. Dean, C.F.Sc. Dissemination of fish products preparation technology for sustainable livelihood of rural folk in district Udham Singh Nagar and Nainital UCOST 4.019 2013-16 Dr. R.S. Chauhan Production of quality fish seed of cultivable carps ICAR 25.00 1999-Contd. Dean, C.F.Sc. Technological empowerment of resource poor farmers through fish seed production technology for sustainable livelihood in district Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand DBT 14.77 2012-15 Dr. R.S. Chauhan Sustainable Production of Carps under Recirculated Aquaculture System GBPUAT, Pantnagar 0.50 2014-15 Dr. Ashutosh Mishra -
Semi-intensive/intensive carp culture
The composite culture of carps, 3 species of Indian major carps (Catla, Rohu and Mrigal) and three exotic carps (Silver carp, Grass carp and Common carp) with appropriate stocking, application of cow dung and fertilizers, efficient water quality management and rational supplementary feeding developed and standardized. It gives the production of around 8 ton/ha/yr. Recently a fish production of 10,000 kg/ha/yr has been obtained at stocking density of 15,000 fingerlings/ha, artificial feed with 35% protein feed and aeration under intensive farming system.
Quality fish seed production
The packages of practices of induced breeding of culturable carps by pituitary extract (CPE) and ovaprim were optimized for tarai region. The technique of double breeding of culturable carps in one breeding season has also been developed which has the potential of increasing fish seed production from the same number of fish stock and available resources.
Lake and reservoir fisheries
The district of Nainital abounds in lakes in hills and reservoirs in tarai regions. The fisheries of these lakes is, however, in dire state. Fish production from these precious water bodies could be increased upto 70-80 kg per hectare per year by stocking suitable farm-raised fish species. The fish production of Sat tal, a medium altitude lake in Nainital was increased from 2-3 to 80 kg per hectare per year by stocking Indian major carps, under fisheries development in high altitude lakes programmes. On the basis of detailed studies on energy flow in Nanak Sagar, the management strategies for increasing the fish production have been developed. It has been suggested that stocking of the reservoirs with detritophagus fishes will result in increased fish production.
Biomanipulation of Lakes
The fisheries of lake Nainital has been improved through biomanipulaiton. The unwanted fish fauna has drastically reduced while population of fishes of food value has established.
Protein requirement of Indian and exotic carps
The protein requirements of the fry of Labeo rohita, Catla catla and Cirrhinus mrigala, and young ones of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix has been determined under laboratory as well as field conditions.
Aquaculture Management in Coldwaters
Mahseer, the world-renowned game and food fish of the hills is one of the main native fish in the Himalayan waters.However, the fish has become endangered. Ecodatabase in selected snow-fed and spring fed streams has been prepared.
The population of golden mahseer in different streams has been estimated; the breeding grounds of mahseer have been identified and the factors causing the decline of mahseer have been identified.
Restoration programmes including the collection of fry and juveniles of golden mahseer from the natural resource, their rearing upto young stage in pond condition in foot hill regions for further stocking into the potential mahseer streams is carried out.The brood stock development in the ponds from hatchery bred stock as well as that collected from nature is under progress.
A hatchery for the breeding of pond raised golden mahseer is established to produce the stocking material of mahseer for stocking in depleted rivers and lakes for their rehabilitation.The rejuvenation of golden mahseer will greatly help in boosting the production of aquatic food and improving the tourism in the hill state. Two carp fishes of food value in the sub temperate part of the Himalayan region viz., Labeo dyocheilus and Labeo dero have been chosen for the development of farming technology and production of stocking material under hatchery conditions.
Advancement of gonadal development in Magur
Through change of the directions of environmental factors particularly photoperiod and temperature, the gonadal development in Clarias batrachus (Magur) could be initiated as early as January leading to availability of specimens with developed gonads by March/April.
Integrated fish farming technology
The duck-cum-fish culture technology has been developed in which by using Khaki campbell ducks in the system a production of 6000 kg fish/ha/yr and 270 eggs per duck/yr was obtained without any addition of fertilizer in the pond.
Establishment of modern circular hatchery
Although the hatchery fish seed production has increased considerably in last two decades, the availability of quality fish seed is still a bottleneck in achieving high fish production in the farmer's field.
As of now none of the State Agriculture University has a large fish seed hatchery for commercial production of fish seed.Taking step in this direction, the University established a large circular hatchery for fish seed production.
The seed production unit has a completely indoor hatchery with breeding and hatching facilities for production of about 100 million post larvae of cultivable carps in one breeding season. The seed is being produced from the brood stock developed on different lines to improve the efficiency of the growth of fish seed.
The hatchery has a completely modern unit of nursery and rearing ponds sufficient enough to produce about 40 million advanced fry/fingerlings of fishes.
The fingerlings are being stocked in the reservoirs located in nearby areas. It is expected that the fish production from reservoirs may be increased from 40 kg/ha/yr to 200 kg/ha/yr by stocking the seed thus produced in the hatchery.The quality fish seed is also being provided to the farmers to increase their production.
Seed production of catfish (Magur)
The technology for broodstock care, induced breeding and larval rearing of the catfish (Magur) has been developed.
Captive breeding of Kali Rohu(Khat) and Mohu
Successful brood stock rearing of Khat (Labeo dyocheilus) and Mohu(Labeo dero), induced breeding in captivity after bringing from rivers of Uttarakhand have been done and fingerlings are released in their natural habitat to augment fish production.
Seed production of Labeo gonius
The technology for seed production of L.gonius has been developed under NATP for the stocking of reservoirs in addition to self recruitment for increasing the production potential of reservoirs in Uttarakhand.
Three recirculatory systems in polycarbonate houses in about 1800 m2 area for intensive raising of fishes under controlled conditions have been established at the Instructional Fish Farm of College.
System - I | System - II | System - III | |
Total area | 1000 m2 | 400 m2 | 400 m2 |
Water volume | 200 m3 | 100 m3 | 100 m3 |
No. of tanks | 6 (cemented - rect.) 16 (FRP - circular) | 12 (FRP) (6 round + 6 rect.) | 20 (FRP-circular) |

S.No. | Name | Quantity |
1. | Outdoor Carp Circular Hatchery | 01 |
2. | Magur Hatchery | 01 |
3. | Mahseer Hatchery | 01 |
4. | Indoor Carp Hatchery | 01 |
S.No. | Name | Quantity | S.No. | Name | Quantity |
1. | Aerators | 6 | 8. | Online water analyzer | 1 |
2. | Automatic feeders | 4 | 9. | Online bio-toxicity monitoring unit | 1 |
3. | Deep freezer (-20°C) | 1 | 10. | Power tiller | 1 |
4. | Excavators | 2 | 11. | Sand filters | 6 |
5. | Fish Feed Extruder | 1 | 12. | Tractor | 1 |
6. | FRP tanks | 16 | 13. | Weather station | 1 |
7. | Mechanical fish dryer | 1 | 14. | Artisan/shallow well | 7+1 |
S.No. | Name | Quantity |
1. | Nursery Ponds | 12 |
2. | Rearing Ponds | 24 |
3. | Grow out Ponds | 09 |
4. | Broodstock Ponds | 06 |
5. | Research Ponds | 08 |