Department of Livestock Production Management

Dr. S.K. Singh

SPECIALISATION:Livestock Production
CONTACT NO.:+91-9411320143

Research Areas/Areas of interest

  • Livestock Production Management

  • Selected Research Publications

    1. Dar, A.H., Singh, S. K., Palod, J., al Ain, K., Kumar, N., Khadda, B., & Farooq, F. (2017). Effect of Probiotic, Prebiotic and Synbiotic on Hematological Parameters of Crossbred Calves. International Journal of Livestock Research, 7(4), 127-136.

    2. Dar, A.H., Singh, S. K., Palod, J., Mondal, B. C., Kumar, A, Singh, V., Kumar, N., Khadda, B.(2017). Effect of probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic on faecal microbial count and cell-mediated immunity in crossbred calves. B-3383 (Indian Journal of Animal Research).

    3. M.Patni, S.K. Singh, D.V. Singh, J.Palod, A.Kumar, M.K. Singh and S. Sahapathy (2016). Libido and physico-morphological characteristics of semen in Pantja bucks. The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants, Vol. 22(2) October, 2016. 237-239.

    4. Najeebullah, Singh S.K., Singh D.V., and palod J. (2011). Study on serum biochemical parameters of local Pantja Goat. Indian J. Anim. Prod. Mgt. 27(3-4) 130-132.

    5. Naresh chand sharma, S.K. Singh, Shive Kumar, A. Kumar and D.V. Singh (2009). Study of growth traits in local hill fowl. Indian J. Anim. Prod. Mgt. 25(3-4) 24-26.