Department of Agronomy

Dr. Rohitashav Singh

DESIGNATION:Professor & Head
CONTACT NO.: +91-8475001606 (M)

Research Areas/Areas of Interest

  • Weed Science, Conservation Agriculture, Integrated Farming System, Forage Crops Agronomy

  • Research Projects

  • Completed: 30
  • Ongoing: 06

  • Selected Research Publications

    S.No. Publication NAAS Rating Impact Factor
    Praharaj, S., Singh, R. and Singh, V.K., 2020. Effect of zinc fertilization on growth, yield attributes and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum) crop under irrigated mollisol. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Crops and Products. 140 (2019) 111710 6.37 0.374
    Ruma Das, T.J. Purakayastha, Debarup Das, NayanAhmed, Rahul Kumar, Sunanda Biswas, S.S. Walia, Rohitashav Singh, V.K. Shukla, M.S. Yadava, N. Ravisankar and S.C. Datta. 2019. Long-term fertilization and manuring with different organics alter stability of carbon in colloidal organo-mineral fraction in soils of varying clay mineralogy. Science of the total environment.684: 682-693pp. 16.75 10.75
    AP Singh, R. Singh, S Chaturvedi, V Singh. 2016. Soil Fertility and Crop Productivity under Integrated Nutrient Supply System in a Permanent Plot Experiment. Environment & Ecology 34 (2A), 703-706. 5.25 1.25
    Jha, B.K., Chandra, R and Singh, R. 2014. Influence of post–emergence herbicides on weeds, nodulation and yield of soybean and soil properties. Legume Research 37(1):47-54. 6.67 0.669
    Kumar S., Rana N.S.; Singh V.K.; Singh. R, and Singh A. 2008. Effect of Phosphorus & potassium doses and their applicaton schedule on productivity & nutrient uptake in sugarcane ratoon-wheat sequence. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 78(4): 281-284. 6.37 0.374
    Singh, R., Sen, D., Rana, N.S., Kumar, S., Singh, V.K. and Singh, R.G. 2006. Efficacy of dicamba alone and in combination with isoprotrturon on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and associated weeds. Indian J. Agron., 51 (2): 139-141. 5.55 0.587
    Singh, R., Sen, Dhiman Singh, V.K., Rana, N.S. and Kumar, S. 2005. Effect of weed management practices on spring planted sugarcane. Indian J. Agron., 50 (3): 236-238. 5.55 0.587
    Singh, R., Kumar, N. and Rana, N.S. 2000. Response of rainfed guinea grass (Panicum maximum) to bio-fertilizer inoculation and nitrogen. Indian J. Agron., 45 (1): 205-209. 5.55 0.587
    Singh, R., Sood, B.R., Sharma, V.K. and Rana, N.S. 1998. Effect of cutting management and nitrogen on forage and seed yields of oat (Avena sativa L.). Indian J. Agron., 43 (2): 362-66. 5.55 0.587
    Singh, R., Kumar, N. and Singh, R. 1997. Relative perfonnance of Dinanath grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum) cultivars under varying level of nitrogen under rainfed conditions. Indian J Agron., 42 (3): 554-56. 5.55 0.587
    Singh, R., Singh J.N., Kewalanand and Singh, R.V. 1993. Crop – weed competition studies in Japanese-mint (Mentha arvensis L.) Haplocalyx var. Piperascens under foot hills condition of Uttar Pradesh. Indian J. Agron., 38 (3): 443-448. 5.55 0.587

    Student Guided

  • Ph.D.:   08
  • M.Sc.:   11

  • Awards/Recognitions

  • AICRP on weed control at Pantnagar was adjudged as the best centre for the year 2006-07. In this project, I am working as one of the project scientists of the whole team at Pantnagar (Annexure – I).
  • Research paper entitled “sustainable agricultural production bio-energy and livelihood security through agroforestry” by P.R. Rajput, R. Kaushal & R. Singh was awarded the best paper (second consolation prize) in poster presentation in the International Conference on sustainable agriculture for food, bio-energy and livelihood security, held at J.N.K,V.V, Jabalpur during 14-16 Feb. 2007 (Annexure -II).
  • Annual report of AICRP on weed control of Pantnagar centre was adjudged as the best report for the year 2009-10. In this project, I am working as one of the project scientist of the whole team at Pantnagar (Annexure – III).
  • Honoured as National Fellow of Indian Society of Weed Science during 2012 for my contribution in the field of weed science.