Department of Aquatic Environment Management

Dr. Ashutosh Mishra

DESIGNATION: Professor & Head
SPECIALISATION:Fisheries Limnology
CONTACT NO.:+91-9410120651 (M)

Research Area/ Area of Interest

  • Fish Nutrition, Fish seed production and Lake and reservoir fisheries

  • Selected Research Publications

    1. Mishra, Ashutosh; A.P. Sharma; I.J. Singh and G.C. Nainwal. 2017. Ecosystem restoration of lake Nainital through biomanipulation. Environment & Ecology, 35 (4D): 3231-3239.

    2. Mishra, Ashutosh, S.K. Chakraborty, A.K. Jaiswar and A.P. Sharma. 2017. Comparative Limnology and Productivity of Two Medium Reservoirs of Uttarakhand, India. Environment & Ecology, 35 (2C): 1244- 1251.

    3. Mishra, Ashutosh, S.K. Chakraborty, A.K. Jaiswar and A.P. Sharma. 2017. Comparative Limnology and Productivity of Two Medium Reservoirs of Uttarakhand, India. Environment & Ecology, 35 (2C): 1244- 1251.

    4. Batt, Anupama; S. Kumar; K. Goswami, B. Raveender and Ashutosh Mishra. 2017. Differential Pattern of Embryonic Development of Labeo rohita and Ctenopharyngodon idella Under Hatchery Condition of Tarai Region of Uttarakhand During Late Breeding Season. Environment & Ecology. 35 (1A): 324- 328.

    5. Mishra, Ashutosh, S.K. Chakraborty, A.K. Jaiswar and A.P. Sharma. 2014. Comparative Biodiversity of Two Medium Reservoirs of North India. National Academy Science Letter, 37 (5): 423- 430.