The digital products have become more powerful than the source documents themselves, due to the fact that they are infinitely more accessible, user friendly and can be linked seamlessly with other library resources.
The university library hosts many digital collections valuable to research and, teaching materials in different disciplines of Agricultural Sciences, Community Sciences, Biological Sciences, Basic Sciences, Fisheries Sciences, Engineering and Agribusiness Management. These collections are subscribed and some are open access, accessible from anywhere in the world.
Subscribed Resources
The library subscribes to the following E-books, Journals and Databases in different discipline of Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Basic Sciences and Engineering Sciences.
Patrons can access the following e-books procured by the library. Please check the following link to explore the e-books.
Online Journals
The library subscribes to many e-journals and databases to support its core collection / the print collection. These includes:ASCE Journals: Journals from American Society for Civil Engineers. Please explore the following link.
ASCE Journals OnlineASME Journals: Journals from American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Click below to access journals from ASME.
ASME Journals OnlineSouth Asia Archive: Provides access to content spanning in all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Science and Technology, Medicine etc. from Taylor & Francis Group.
South Asia Archive (SAA)Other Online Journals
Patrons can also access journals from the following publishers in various disciplines of Agricultural Sciences, Basic Sciences, Animal and Veterinary Sciences etc.Online Databases:
The university library also subscribes to the following online databases in addition to the e-journals.
CAB Abstract:
The library subscribes to popular CAB Abstract Database online. The library has offline collection to this database in CD form since the year 1973. To access CABI online please click here CAB Abstract
EBSCOHost Bussiness Source Elite Plus
Provides full text articles for more than 1,100 scholarly business, economics journals, and management including nearly 500 peer-reviewed publications. This database includes fulltext (pdf) coverage dating back as far as 1985, and detailed company profiles for the world's 10,000 largest companies. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost
J-Gate Social & Management Sciences Social & Management Sciences (JSMS):
Is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature it is the most efficient comprehensive platform to access research information from 7 Million+ Articles Indexed | 12,000+ Journals. Click on JSMS to explore.
Provides authentic and comprehensive secondary level Socio-economic Statistical information about India and its states on various socio-economic parameters like Economy, Agriculture, Consumer affairs, Environment and Forest, Education, Health, Housing, Industries, Social welfare, Developmental Schemes etc. To explore this database please click here
Consortium Resources
Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA):
The Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) is the first of its kind online platform for facilitating 24x7 online accesses of select journals in the field of agricultural and allied sciences to researchers, teachers, students, policy planners, administrators and extension specialists in National Agriculture and Research System (NARS).
Our library is member of CeRA Consortium and has access to vast collection of more than 4000 National and International e-journals, Annual Reviews and even e-Books from reputed publishers. Please click on CeRA below to browse journals from this consortium by Title, Subject and Publishers. Both quick as well as advanced searches can be made easily. CeRA
Open Access Digital Repository
The library has created an Institutional Repository that hosts digitized theses and dissertations submitted by our students. More than 8020 physical theses from the year 1960 to 2000 have been digitized and is accessible through campus LAN. Some theses were digitized under Krishiprabha-World Bank funded project from 2001-2007, these are now merged with Krishikosh, a National Digital Repository in Agricultural and Allied Sciences.
Indian universities play a vital role in generation and dissemination of knowledge by conducting research works and producing Theses and Dissertations that are a unique source of research information and knowledge. Every year about 8,000-10,000 PhDs in the field of Agriculture and Allied Sciences are being awarded in India. Krishikosh is an Institutional Repository of Indian National Agricultural Research System. It is full text searchable open access repository having large collection of Theses, Books, Research Reports, Proceedings, Technical Reports etc. It includes more than 150,000 PhD and M.Sc theses and 2,00,000 other digital items. To browse Krishikosh repository please click here. Krishikosh
ShodGanga is a repository of full-text theses or ETD submitted to Indian universities. It facilitates open access to theses and dissertations for all academic communities across India and worldwide. ShodhGanga is hosted by Information Library Network (INFLIBNET) and is supported by University Grants Commission (UGC). The members universities submit their electronic version of theses and dissertations from time to time to update the repository. ShodGanga provides access to more than 3,10,334 full text thesis from more than 475 universities. Explore ShodhGanga repository here. ShodhGanga
Shod Gangotri
ShodhGangotri is a Repository of Indian Research in Progress including synopses or research proposals for PhD programme submitted by research scholars to different Universities in India.
The synopsis or summary of ongoing research in ShodhGangotri is later mapped to full-text theses in ShodGanga Repository. Once the full-text thesis is submitted for a synopsis in ShodGangotri, a link to the full-text thesis would be provided from ShodhGangotri to "ShodhGanga". The Research in Progress repository reveals the trends and directions of research being conducted in Indian universities, and also helps in avoiding duplication of research activities. It is one stop platform to know about research in progress. To explore ShodGangotri repository please click here.
Shod Gangotri
Research Resources
Includes periodicals like journals, Abstracting and Indexing journals, Review journals, Newsletters, Research reports, Annual Reports, Statistical Reports etc.
Current Periodicals: The library subscribes to select journals from different disciplines of Agricultural Sciences, Basic Sciences, Community Sciences, Fisheries Sciences, Engineering and Technology and Agri – Management. These are designated as “Current Periodicals” in the library catalogue/OPAC. The current periodicals are placed on the first floor of the library.
Other Periodicals: The back volumes are shelved in regular stacks after binding by call numbers. These are available on the second and third floor of the library. Many of our journals have been replaced by e-journals and are available in electronic format. search our E-Journals or the library catalog to get access to these current issues.
Book Collections
The library holds a good collection of 2.6 lakh print books selected by the joint efforts of the faculty members of different colleges of the university. These are text books or curriculum material, reference books, rare books. The text book collections are housed in the ground floor, and the second floor of the library. The collections housed in Ground Floor consist of Agricultural Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Fishery Sciences, Agri-Business Management, Biological Sciences etc. for use of undergraduates, postgraduates, research scholars and teachers. Second floor consist of educational materials on social sciences. Some books are available in digital format and we are in the process of strengthening the digital collection of books. The new or latest additions of books procured are displayed in the Reference Section/Ground Floor for two weeks and thereafter shelved in respective floors. For details please refer to the floor chart of the library. Reference and Rare Reference Collection The Library also has significant collection of Reference Books in print housed in the First Floor of the library and Rare books, including maps, typographical sheets placed in the Ground floor Designated as “Rare Reference Collection”. These have the distention of being among the finest in the State of Uttrakhand Kumaun Region. The rare and fragile material from this section do not circulate and are available for reference only. They may be requested for viewing in advance by appointment from one hour by the Incharge of the circulation section.
Book Bank
The Library has a Book Bank in the Ground Floor that has a curriculum focused books on different disciplines. These are available to the students from weaker sections of the society as well as to other students for a period of one full semester. The book Bank has a good collection of more than sixty thousand books that are in multiple copies and latest editions.
Book-Bank Text BooksRental Text Books
Besides the Book Bank, the library has a Rental Text Book scheme under which all student community both Under Graduates (UG) and Post Graduates (PG) students can avail 10 text books for the courses they are studying for the entire one semester. Here are some of the most used titles of Text Books along with information on multiple copies. Please click on links below to explore the text books available in the library.
Theses and Dissertations In Print
The research material of the students in form of Master’s and Doctoral Dissertations and Thesis are available in the library both in Physical and the electronic format. A good collection of more than 20,500 thesis are available in physical form from the year 1960 since the establishment of the university. From 2009 the university has mandated the submission of electronic version of thesis and dissertations. These are available in Compact discs and later uploaded in digital repository. We have methodically digitized millions of pages of print thesis and these are now uploaded in collaborative Krishikosh digital repository hosted by IARI, Headquarter, New Delhi and accessible through Krishikosh platform. Print thesis are not in circulation and are available to reference only. You may find them in the first floor of the library.
The library provides access to many journals on trial for certain period for patrons to explore the content or the research papers. Trial access through Consortium of e- Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) is currently available for following Journals:
Off Campus Remote Access Remote Access through Informatics under trial is currently available for the off campus bona fide users of this University. This facility may be availed by sending written request with complete credentials at