Student Life at GBPUA&T

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All Students are required to live in 23 hostels including 11 hostels for female students and one for married students with separate arrangements for post-graduate and undergraduate students. The Chief Warden / Dean Student Welfare may exempt students from living in the hostel with the permission of Vice-Chancellor or taking food in the hostel cafeteria under certain circumstances. There is a common room with a colored T.V., with cable facility, internet, music room, indoor games room and a library having selected books, magazines and news paper etc., besides courts for Volley Ball, Badminton, Basket Ball and Table Tennis in all the hostels. The hostel cafeteria is equipped with refrigerator, water cooler and utensils in adequate quantity. Each hostel Cafeteria is run and managed by the students on cooperative basis. The students are required to vacate the hostel rooms in the summer vacations to facilitate annual repairs and white washing etc. All students residing in the hostel are to abide by hostel and cafeteria regulations/ rules. Every hostel has one P&T telephone with incoming facility.

During the formal functions the students are expected to wear white shirts, white pants during the summer and University blazer (Bottle green colour) with tie during the winter. During tournaments and competitions, the students are expected to be in the proper kit.

Name of Hostel Name of Warden Contact No. E-mail Chief Warden Total Capacity in Hostel More Detail
Girls's Hostel
Gandhi Bhawan Dr. Vineeta Rathore 7500241536 Dean, College of Agriculture 260 View
Subhash Bhawan Dr. Vineeta Rathore 7500241536 Dean, College of Agriculture 214 View
Sarojini Bhawan Dr. Rashmi Panwar 7055621237 Dean, College of Home Science 261 View
Kasturba Bhawan Dr. Sweta Rai 9258058716 Dean, College of Home Science 163 View
Ambedkar Bhawan Dr. Sonika Chauhan
Dr. Sunita Jalal (Acting)
6398276185 Dean, College of Technology 64 View
Saraswati Bhawan Dr. Sonika Chauhan
Dr. Sunita Jalal (Acting)
8077812389 Dean, College of Technology 200 View
Mandakini Bhawan - I Dr. Geeta Pathak 7500241552 --- Dean, College of Technology 228 View
Mandakini Bhawan - II Dr. Geeta Pathak 7500241552 --- Dean, College of Technology 140 View
Yamunotri Bhawan Dr. Seema Agarwal 8279461909 Dean, College of Home Science 136 View
Gangotri Bhawan Dr. Anita 8433133761/9411159836 Dean, CVASc 146 View
Golden Jubliee Bhawan Dr. Rashmi Tewari 9412100770 Dean, CBSH 250 View
Acharya Bhawan Dr. Sweta Rai 9258058716 View
Boy's Hostel
Chitranjan Bhawan -I Dr. S.K. Maurya 7500241543 Dean, College of Agriculture 220 View
Chitranjan Bhawan -II Dr. Mukseh Pandey 9411791572 Dean, CABM 220 View
Nehru Bhawan Dr. Anuj Tewari 8279479562 Dean, CVASc 198 View
Pant Bhawan Dr. Satish Kumar 9634330375 Dean, CVASc 213 View
Shashtri Bhawan Dr. B.C. Chanyal 9412969280 Dean, PGS 142 View
Vivekananad Bhawan Dr. Rajesh Rathore 9412327100/7500241556 Dean, College of Fisheries 28 View
General Bipin Rawat Bhawan Dr. Yogendra Kumar Singh 6396741993 - Dean, College of Technology View
Vishvesharya Bhawan Dr. Sunil Kumar 7500241547, 7500241544 Dean, College of Technology 255 View
Silver Jubilee Bhawan Dr. Shri Prakash Dwivedi 7500241548 Dean, College of Technology 260 View
Patel Bhawan Dr. Paras 8476971288 Dean, College of Technology 300 View
Tagore Bhawan Dr. P.K. Mishra 6395288787 Dean, College of Technology 300 View
Shivalik Bhawan Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Kumar 9457166680/8475002232 Dean, PGS 252 View
Meenakshi Bhawan Dr. Anup Kumar 8475008886 Dean, College of Fisheries 56 View


Facilities available at the University for games and sports

The University lays great emphasis on the role of games and sports to keep the students physically efficient, mentally sound and socially well behaved. These activities are organized through the following 16 games and sports clubs under over all supervision of Dean Student Welfare and Incharge Physical Education.

  • Athletics (M&W)
  • Badminton (M&W)
  • Basketball (M&W)
  • Cricket (M&W)
  • Football (M)
  • Indoor Games (M&W)
  • Hockey (M)
  • Squash (M)
  • Kabaddi (M&W)
  • Tennis (M)
  • Kho-Kho (M&W)
  • Table Tennis (M&W)
  • Wrestling (M)
  • Volleyball (M&W)
  • Yoga Exercise (M&W)
  • W.L./P.L. & Best Physique (M)

The University provides sufficient games and sports materials to all the hostels as well as to the University teams at central ground.

(a) At Hostel Level

  • Play ground for field games
  • Cemented Basketball Courts
  • Cemented Badminton Courts
  • Cricket Pitches
  • Volleyball Courts
  • Facilities for Indoor Games (Table Tennis, Chess & Carrom)

  • (b) At Central Level

  • Stadium with standard cinder track and equipped with adequate facilities for athletic events sufficient space for spectators.
  • Gymnasium Hall with Indoor wooden floor Badminton court
  • Table Tennis hall with anti–slipper floor
  • Four multipurpose ground for Hockey, Football and Cricket
  • Two cemented and One turf Cricket pitches
  • Two cemented Basketball courts
  • Four Volleyball courts
  • Two cemented Tennis courts
  • Billiards
  • Multipurpose Indoor Sports Complex
  • Building of Two Squash court

  • The students get ample opportunities for health competition in the form of Inter-Wing tournaments, Inter-batch tournament, Open University Championship and Inter-Hostel tournaments. These tournaments/ Championships also provide a basis for the selection of University teams, which are allowed to participate in Inter-Varsity competitions. At present, 16 games and sports clubs are functioning in the University. University has introduced six sports scholarships worth Rs. 800/- per student per month. Playing Kits and Track Suits are given to University Team Members at a subsidy of 50% and free of cost to medalist in Inter University Competitions.

    Staff Counsellor of Games & Sports for the year 2024-25: Click Here

    Staff of Physical Education: Click Here

    Sports Activities in Physical Education


    Events conducted on 55th UNIVERSITY ANNUAL ATHLETIC MEET (M & W) 2022-23 Click Here

    Glimpses of University Annual Athletic Meet (M & W) 2022-23

    University Open Indoor Games (W) Championship 2022-23 Click Here

    University Open Power Lifting Championship 2022-23Click Here

    Lawn-Tennis (M)

    University Open Lawn Tennis (M) knock out Championship 2022-23 was organized from 28-03-2023 to 30.03.2023 at Stevenson Stadium. Total 16 students participated in this championship.
    Final (Singles) was played between Sparsh Jain (55910, CB-I) and Asad Rehman (54634, CB-I). Sparsh Jain (55910, CB-I) won the match.

    Badminton (M &W)

    University Badminton (M&W) Championship was organized from 28-03-2023 to 31-03-2023 Total 60 participants participated in this championship. Winners and Runners are as follows:-

    Badminton (M) Singles
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Gaurav Kumar 50904 Silver Jubilee Bhawan
    Runner-Up Kunal Bisht 56385 Silver Jubilee Bhawan
    Badminton (M) Doubles
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Gaurav Kumar &
    Raushan Kumar
    Silver Jubilee Bhawan
    Shivalik Bhawan
    Runner-Up Lokesh Pandey &
    Vishant Kamboj
    Patel Bhawan
    Badminton (W) Singles
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Priyanka Pandey 56951 Mandakini Bhawan
    Runner-Up Manshi Rawat 59013 Sarojini Bhawan
    Badminton Mix Doubles
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Kunal Bisht &
    Priyanka Pandey
    Silver Jubilee Bhawan & Mandakini Bhawan
    Runner-Up Raghav Sundariyal &
    Pooja Mehara
    Silver Jubilee Bhawan
    Yamunotri Bhawan

    Kho- Kho (M)

    The University Inter hostel Kho-Kho tournament for the year 2022-23 organized from 25-04-2023 to 28-04-2023. Total 11 teams from different hostels participated in this knock out tournament. Final Match was played between C.B. I & C.B. II Bhawan. C.B. I won the Final Match.

    Basketball (W)

    University Inter hostel Basketball (W) tournament for the year 2022-23, was organized from 03-04-2023 to 07-04-2023 in which all the 10 Hostels participated. Final was played on 07-04-2023 between Gandhi Bhawan and Yamunotri Bhawan. Gandhi Bhawan won the final match.

    Indoor Games (M)

    University Inter hostel Indoor games (M) Championship was organized from 29.03.2023. Total 50 students participated in this Tournament. Winners and Runners are as follows:-

    Carrom (M) Singles
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Vinod Chandra Bhatt 55921 CB I
    Runner-Up Bhupendra Singh 55908 CB I
    Carrom (M) Doubles
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Rahul Kumar &
    Vinod Chandra Bhatt
    CB I
    Runner-Up Atul Panwar &
    Shahil Singh
    CB I
    Chess (M)
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Swapnil Bisht V.S. Bhawan
    Runner-Up Shaurya Vardhan 57325 Pant Bhawan

    Volleyball (W)

    University Inter hostel Volleyball tournament for the year 2022-23 organized from 19-04-2023 to 25-04-2023. Total 10 teams from different hostels participated in this knock out tournament. Final Match was played between Subhash Bhawan & Gandhi Bhawan. Subhash Bhawan won the Final Match.

    Kho-Kho (W)

    The University Inter hostel Kho-Kho tournament for the year 2022-23 organized from 25-04-2023 to 28-04-2023. Total 10 teams from different hostels participated in this knock out tournament. Final Match was played between Gandhi Bhawan & Subhash Bhawan. Subhash Bhawan Bhawan won the Final Match.


    University Inter Hostel Table Tennis (W) Championship 2022-23 was organized from 19-04-2023 to 24-04-2023 at Stevenson Stadium. Total 20 students participated in this championship. All matches were played on knock out basis. The results are given below:-

    Singles (W)
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Lakshmi 57586 Mandakini Bhawan
    Runner-up Kavita 49763 Yamunotri Bhawan
    Doubles (W)
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Kavita &
    Preeti Gautam
    Yamunotri Bhawan
    Runner-up Lakshmi &
    Mandakini Bhawan


    University Inter Hostel Table Tennis (M) Championship 2022-23 was organized from 24-12-2022 to 29-12-2021 at Stevenson Stadium. Total 26 students participated in this championship. All matches were played on knock out basis. The results are given below:-

    Singles (M)
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Vipin Singh Bora 55909 Meenakshi Bhawan
    Runner-up Vishal S 58282 Shivalik Bhawan
    Doubles (M)
    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    Winner Prabhan Pangati & Birendra Singh 54843
    V.S. Bhawan
    Runner-up Vipin Singh Bora & Vishal S 55909
    Meenakshi Bhawan
    Shivalik Bhawan

    Yoga (W)

    University Inter hostel Yoga (M) Championship 2022-23 was organized on 06.12.2022 at Stevenson Stadium. The results are:-

    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    I Riya 58799 Sarswati Bhawan
    II Kirti 57719 Yamunotri Bhawan
    III Priya Jain 58951 Sarswati Bhawan

    Yoga (M)

    University Inter hostel Yoga (M) Championship 2022-23 was organized on 05.12.2022 at Stevenson Stadium. The results are:-

    Place Name ID. No. Hostel
    I Navdeep 58752 Tagore Bhawan
    II Krishna Yadav 58751 Tagore Bhawan
    III Jatin Kumar 57268 Tagore Bhawan

    Kabaddi (M)

    University Inter hostel Kabaddi (M) tournament for the year 2022-23 was organized from 25.04.2023 to 27.04.2023 in which all the 07 Hostels participated. Final was played on 27.04.2023 between V.S. Bhawan and S.J. Bhawan. V.S. Bhawan won the Inter hostel Kabaddi (M) tournament for the year 2022-23 by 40-35. Best player of the tournament was Bhavesh Singh Bani, of Tagore Bhawan.

    Volleyball (M)

    University Inter hostel Volleyball (M) tournament for the year 2022-23 was organized from 18.04.2023 to 21.04.2023 in which all the 10 Hostels participated. Final was played on 21.04.2023 between Tagore Bhawan and Nehru Bhawan. S.J. Bhawan won the Inter hostel Volleyball (M) tournament for the year 2022-23 by 25-19, 23-25, 25-22, 25-20. Best player of the tournament was Mr. Anubhav Pandey, of Nehru Bhawan.

    Cricket (M)

    University Inter hostel cricket (M) tournament for the year 2022-23 was organized from 17-12-2022 to 25-12-2022 in which all the 11 Hostels participated. Final was played between Shivalik Bhawan and CBI. Shivalik Bhawan won the Inter hostel cricket (M) tournament for the year 2022-23.

    Cricket (W)

    University Inter hostel cricket (W) tournament for the year 2022-23 was organized from 17-12-2022 to 25-12-2022 in which all the 10 Hostels participated. Final was played between Kasturba Bhawan and Sarojini Bhawan. Sarojini Bhawan won the Inter hostel cricket (M) tournament for the year 2022-23.

    Basketball (M)

    University Inter hostel Basketball (M) tournament for the year 2022-23, was organized from 05.04.2023 to 07.04.2023 in which all the 10 Hostels participated. Final was played between V.S. Bhawan and S.J. Bhawan. V.S. Bhawan won the Inter hostel Basketball (M) tournament for the year 2022-23.

    Kabaddi (W)

    University Inter hostel Kabaddi (W) tournament for the year 2022-23 was organized from 15.03.2023 to 22.03.2023 in which all the 10 Hostels participated. Final was played between Gandhi Bhawan and Subhash Bhawan. Gandhi Bhawan won the Inter hostel Kabaddi (W) tournament for the year 2022-23.

    विश्वविद्यालय स्थापना दिवस के अवसर पर ‘रन फार यूनिवर्सिटी’ का आयोजन

    देश की प्रथम कृषि विश्वविद्यालय गो0 ब0 पंत कृषि एवं प्रौद्योगिक विश्वविद्यालय, पन्तनगर के स्थापना दिवस के शुभ अवसर पर दिनांक 17.11.2022 को प्रातः 7ः40 बजे शारीरिक शिक्षा अनुभाग के स्टीवेन्सन स्टेडियम से गाँधी पार्क तक ‘‘रन फार यूनिवर्सिटी’’ का आयोजन किया गया। विश्वविद्यालय के समस्त विद्यार्थियों, कर्मचारियों, शिक्षकों, अधिकारियों, अधिष्ठाताओं, निदेशकों एवं स्टाफ कर्मियों द्वारा इस दौड़ में उत्साहपूर्वक अत्यधिक संख्या में प्रतिभाग किया गया। उक्त दौड़ के समस्त प्रतिभागियों को विश्वविद्यालय मोनोग्राम छपी कैप निःशुल्क वितरित की गयी।
    तत्पश्चात अधिष्ठाता छात्र कल्याण डा0 बृजेश सिंह एवं प्रभारी शारीरिक शिक्षा डा0 पूनम त्यागी द्वार मुख्य अतिथि माननीय कुलपति डाॅ0 मनमोहन सिंह चौहान जी का स्वागत किया गया तथा विश्वविद्यालय के समस्त अधिष्ठाताओं, निदेशकों, अधिकारियों, कर्मचारियों एवं परिसरवासियों का भी उक्त रेस में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु स्वागत किया गया। मुख्य अतिथि माननीय कुलपति मनमोहन सिंह चौहान जी द्वारा उक्त रेस में प्रतिभाग करने वाले समस्त अधिकारियों, शिक्षको, विद्यार्थियों, कर्मचारियों एवं परिसरवासियों को विश्वविद्यालय स्थापना दिवस की बधाई के साथ-साथ शुभकामनाऐं प्रदान कर उक्त ‘रन फाॅर यूनिवर्सिटी’ का शुभारंभ किया। "

    Glimpses of Run for University

    ‘यष्टि प्रशिक्षण शिविर’

    गो0 ब0 पंत कृषि एवं प्रौद्योगिक विश्वविद्यालय, पन्तनगर के शारीरिक शिक्षा अनुभाग में पहली बार विश्वविद्यालय की छात्राओं में आत्मरक्षा के उद्देश्य हेतु दिनांक 14 मार्च, 2023 से दिनांक 18 मार्च, 2023 तक यष्टि प्रशिक्षण शिविर आयोजित किया गया।

    दिनांक 14 मार्च, 2023 को उक्त शिविर के उदघाट्न समारोह में अधिष्ठाता छात्र कल्याण डा0 बृजेश सिंह द्वारा मुख्य अतिथि कुलसचिव डा0 दीपा विनय का स्वागत किया। मुख्य अतिथि कुलसचिव डा0 दीपा विनय, अधिष्ठाता छात्र कल्याण डा0 बृजेश सिंह द्वारा दीप प्रज्वलित किया गया तत्पश्चात् मुख्य अतिथि द्वारा इस शिविर को शुभारम्भ करने की घोषणा की। उक्त यष्टि प्रशिक्षण शिविर में प्रशिक्षिका कु0 काजल ने विश्वविद्यालय की छात्राओं को आत्मरक्षा से सम्बन्धित तकनीको एवं रणनितियों के बारे में अवगत कराते हुए यष्टि प्रशिक्षण करवाया गया जिसमें प्रतिदिन लगभग 300 छात्राओं ने प्रतिभाग किया।

    दिनांक 18 मार्च, 2023 को आयोजित समापन समारोह में अधिष्ठाता छात्र कल्याण डा0 बृजेश सिंह द्वारा अधिष्ठात्री मत्स्य विज्ञान महाविद्यालय डा0 मालविका दास का स्वागत किया गया। अधिष्ठाता मत्स्य विज्ञान महाविद्यालय डा0 मालविका दास एवं प्रशिक्षिका कु0 काजल को अधिष्ठाता छात्र कल्याण डा0 बृजेश सिंह तथा प्रभारी शारीरिक शिक्षा डा0 पूनम त्यागी द्वारा स्मृति चिन्ह भेट कर उनको सम्मानित किया गया। प्रभारी शारीरिक शिक्षा डा0 पूनम त्यागी द्वारा समापन समारोह में उपस्थित मुख्य अतिथि अधिष्ठात्री मत्स्य विज्ञान महाविद्यालय डा0 मालविका दास अधिष्ठाता छात्र कल्याण डा0 बृजेश सिंह, समस्त अधिष्ठाताओं, अधिकारियों, क्रीड़ा स्टाफ काउन्सलर, छात्रावास अभिरक्षकाएं, सहायक छात्रावास अभिरक्षकाएं, विश्वविद्यालय छात्राओं सहित उपस्थित स्टाफ का स्वागत एवं आभार व्यक्त किया गया।

    ‘‘राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस’’

    गो0 ब0 पंत कृषि एवं प्रौद्योगिक विश्वविद्यालय,पन्तनगर के शारीरिक शिक्षा अनुभाग में पहली बार दुनिया भर में हाॅकी के जादूगर के नाम से प्रसिद्ध भारत के महान हाॅकी खिलाड़ी पदम भूषण भारत खेल रत्न स्वर्गीय मेजर ध्यान चन्द के जन्म दिवस 29 अगस्त को राश्ट्रीय खेल दिवस के अवसर पर खेल-कूद प्रतियोगिता आयोजित की गयी।

    डा0 पूनम त्यागी प्रभारी शा0शि0 एवं सह अधिष्ठात्री छात्र कल्याण द्वारा मुख्य अतिथि डा0 बृजेश सिंह जी तथा विश्वविद्यालय के शिक्षको, अधिकारियों विश्वविद्यालय विद्यार्थियों, स्टाफ का स्वागत किया गया | अधिष्ठाता छात्र कल्याण डा0 बृजेश सिंह द्वारा दीप प्रज्वलित किया एवं स्वर्गीय मेजर ध्यान चन्द जी की प्रतिमा में पुष्प अर्पित कर प्रतिभिगियों से परिचय प्राप्त किया गया। प्रभारी शारीरिक शिक्षा डा0 पूनम त्यागी द्वारा उनके जीवन के सम्बन्ध में जनाकारी देते हुए खेलो को अपने जीवन में अपनाने हेतु प्रेरणा दी गयी।

    तत्पश्चात् विश्वविद्यालय विद्यार्थियो एवं स्टाफ के मध्य सायं 5ः30 बजे से हाॅकी, वालीबाल (म0 एवं0 पु0) रस्सा कस्सी (म0 एवं0 पु0) खेल प्रतियोगिता प्रारम्भ हुयी। रस्सा कस्सी (म0 एवं पु0) प्रतियोगिता में विश्वविद्यालय विद्यार्थियों ने स्टाफ को पराजित किया तथा वालीबाल में विश्वविद्यालय स्टाफ ने विद्यार्थियों को पराजित किया गया तथा हाॅकी में विद्यार्थियों के मध्य मैत्री मैच आयोजित हुआ।

    राष्ट्रीय एकता दौड़ का आयोजन

    गो0 ब0 पंत कृषि एवं प्रौद्योगिक विश्वविद्यालय,पन्तनगर द्वारा लौह पुरूष सरदार बल्लभभाई पटेल जी की जयन्ती के अवसर पर शारीरिक शिक्षा अनुभाग में स्टेडियम से गाँधी पार्क तक, 31 अक्टूबर, 2022 को प्रातः 7ः00 बजे राष्ट्रीय एकता दौड़ का आयोजन किया गया जिसका शुभारंभ मुख्य अतिथि डा0 ए0के0 शुक्ला कुलसचिव द्वारा हरी झंडी दिखाकर किया, जिसमें विश्वविद्यालय के विभिन्न अधिकारियों, स्टाफ कर्मियों, विद्यार्थियों, छात्रावास अभिरक्षकों, अभिरक्षिकाएं सहित अत्यधिक संख्या में प्रतिभागियों द्वारा उक्त दौड़ में प्रतिभाग किया गया।

    इस अवसर पर अधिष्ठाता छात्र कलयाण डा0 बृजेश सिंह द्वारा सम्बोधन में लौह पुरूष सरदार बल्लभभाई पटेल जी के महान कार्यो को वर्णित किया तथा उनके आदर्शाें पर चलने के लिए प्रेरित किया एवं समस्त प्रतिभागियों एवं कर्मियों का आभार व्यक्त किया गया। मुख्य अतिथि द्वारा सरदार बल्लभभाई पटेल जी की प्रतिमा में पुष्प अर्पित कर उक्त दौड़ में प्रतिभागियों को सम्बोधित किया गया।


    S.No. Name of Societies Staff Counsellors & Co-Staff Counsellors Detailed/ Event Information
    Agriculture Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. V.C. Dhyani, Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy
    Co-Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Rashmi Panwar, Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture
    Home Science Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Divya Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Resource Management and Consumer Science
    Co-Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Pooja Tamta, Asstt. Professor, Department of Ext. Education and Communication Management
    Veterinary Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Meena Mrigesh, Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Anatomy
    Co-Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Amit Parsad, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Veterinary Medicine
    Engineering Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Neeraj Bisht, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Co-Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Shakshi Chauhan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Science & Humanities Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. S.K. Dubey, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry
    Co-Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Sameena Mehtab, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
    Post Graduate Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Abhishek Yadav, Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Technology
    Co-Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Sonu Ambwani, Asstt. Professor Department of MBGE, CBSH
    Management Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Nirdesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, College of Agri. Business Management
    Co-Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Sneha Dohare, Assistant Professor, College of Agri Business Management
    Fisheries Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Ashutosh Mishra, Professor, Department of AEM
    Co-Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Akansha Khati, Assistant Professor, Department of AEM
    University Dramatic Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Aman Kamboj, Assistant Professor, Deptt. Veterinary Clinical Complex, C.V.A.Sc.
    Co-Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Umesh C. Lohani, JR0. Deptt. of PHP&FE
    University Cultural Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Kiran Rana, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Agriculture Communication, College of Agriculture -
    University Literary Society Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Amit Kesarwani, Asstt. Professor, Deptt. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture -
    Sanskritik Chetna Parishad Staff Counsellor:   Dr. Vineeta Rathore, Asstt. Prof., Deptt. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture -

    Extra Curricular Activities & Student Welfare

    Glimpses of Deeksharambh at College of Agriculture


    College of Technology to celebrate Diamond Jubilee Celebrations organized a University Level Debate Competition on 3-4 December 2022 at PCT Conference Hall.

    The Branch Chapters

  • were assigned the task of coordinating the event. Students from all the colleges in the University participated in the debate competition. The debate was conducted in both English and Hindi. The topics for the debate were
  • Will Genetic Engineering permanently change our society?
  • Is UPI beneficial?

  • Each speaker was allotted time of 4 minutes to present their views and rebuttal round was allotted 1 minute with no cross questioning allowed. The speaker was open to be questioned by all.

    The special guests invited for the debate were Dr. Neeraj Bisht, Staff Counselor, Engineering and Technology Society and Dr. Sanjeev Suman, Staff Counselor, NIRMAAN.

    The English debate was held on 3 December 2022.The jury panel were Dr. A.K. Pratihar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Shikha Goswami, Department of Information Technology, Dr. Sanjeev Suman, Department of Civil Engineering and Dr. Abhishek Yadav, Department of Electrical Engineering. There were 2 rounds held for each topic. 9 students each spoke for the motion and against the motion on the topic “Is UPI really beneficial?” and 8 spoke for the motion and 7 against the motion on the topic “Will Genetic Engineering permanently change our society?”

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    On the occasion of Diamond jubilee Celebration (65th anniversary) of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, the Computer Engineering Department organised two events namely The Gamers League and Technovation, a technical quiz and coding competition.

    TECHNOVATION, a technical quiz and coding competition. The first round was the preliminary round where participants were tested based on their general aptitude, logical reasoning and basics of programming and the second round was a coding round.

    GAMER'S LEAGUE, was a fun gaming event that consisted of 2 exciting games namely, Counter Strike- Global Offensive and Tekken 3. On 26th November at 3pm, the event was inaugurated by Dr. Devendra Kumar, Dr. P.S. Mehar, Dr Ajeet Kumar, Dr. Vinod Baliyaan, by cutting the ribbon, which filled the atmosphere with zest and enthusiasm.

    These events were organized on two consecutive days, i.e. 26th and 27th of November 2022. Yash Rastogi,Computer Engineering(3rd year) secured first position, Rahul Kumaiya,Information technology (2nd year) was second while Yash Karakoti,Computer Engineering(3rd year) was third in Technovation.

    The finalists of Tekken were Vikas Mehra and Divyanshu Semwal and they had a very intense match in which Vikas Mehra was the winner. The finals of Counter Strike Global Offensive was between the teams, One MS and Fast Fraggers in which One MS emerged out as the winner.

    At the end of the event the Head of Department, Dr. S.D Samantharay, Staff Counsellor of Interface Dr. P.K Mishra presented the award to the winners.

    Events Organized By Branch Chapter Of Information Technology On 26th & 27th Of November 2022

    On the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee celebration of College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar; PLEXUS, the Branch Chapter of the Department of Information Technology successfully organised two events. Viz. Hackathon: The Technical Quiz, and, e-Battleground: The Online Gaming Event. These events were organized on the 26th and 27th of November 2022 in the Department of Information Technology, College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar. These events were planned and executed under the supervision of Dr. Subodh Prasad, Assistant Professor ITD as well as staff counsellor ITD, and Head ITD Nomi. Dr. Ajit Kumar. These event has been successful only with the guidance of the our Honourable Dean Madam, Prof. (Dr.) Alaknanda Ashok.

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    Student Achievements

    Heartiest Congratulations to Our Outstanding Alumni & their Proud Parents on their Selection in Civil Services Examination

    List of students who have been given awards on the basis of extra-curricular activity, games and merit are awarded in the year 2022-23 based on their performance in year 2021-22

    SI.No. Name of the students Id.No. Amount
    Late Shri Varun Panwar memorial award
    1. Ms. Sakshi 57829 10000
    2. Ms. Mahima kanwal 55869 10000
    3. Ms Riya Bisht 54425 10000
    Dr. S.K. Mukherjee Scholarship
    1. Mr. Sparsh Jain 55910 11202
    2. Ms. Pragya Garg 56415 11106
    Dr. A.N. Mukhopadhyay Gold medal
    1. Ms. Niharika Arora 53045 25000
    2. Ms. Shruti Kashyap 51436 25000
    Dr. S. K. Sharma Award
    1. Ms. Himani Pant 54239 25000
    Agriculture Engineering Scholarship
    1. Ms. Parkji Srivastav 54787 3800
    2. Mr. Akash Sundriyal 55932 3800
    Dr. Amit Gautam award
    1. Mr. Bhanu Lohani 54982 7000
    Smt Bimla Rani Memorial Award
    1. Mr. Safal Shandiyal 53266 12000
    2. Ms. Deepti Arya 51464 12000
    Asian Agri-History Research Fellowship
    1. Ms. Manas Arora 49745 9000
    Monsanto Scholarship
    1. Mr. Mohit Arya 51445 7500
    Dr. Dhyan Pal Singh Memorial Award
    1. Ms. Padmini Joshi 54552 30000
    Priyank Pathak Scholarship
    1. Ms. Lata Panoura 52951 8213
    Chancellor's Gold Medal (UG)
    1. Ms. Suravi Rawat 53072 -

    Performance of students in CAT

    Sl. No. Name of Student ID. No. CAT Percentile
    Suryansh Dev 54912 84

    Performance of students in GATE

    Sl. No. Name of Student ID. No. GATE Score
    Ayush Pratap Singh 56068 634
    Shashank Nautiyal 54907 634
    Arjun Parasar 56072 617
    Shivansh Budakoti 54909 615
    Karisma Kuria 56095 607
    Mohd. Rehan 56116 603
    Naresh Chandra 54900 603
    Akash Rawat 54884 540
    Vikas Negi 54914 498
    Ekansh Agarwal 56113 498
    Rishabh Srivastava 56167 401
    Shailesh Chauhan 54906 401
    Garima Papnai 56084 397
    Shivam Rana 56092 389
    Hritik Gupta 56067 356

    Social & Cultural Events

    COLOSSEUM (The National level Technical Fest 2023)

    Detailed Report of COLOSSEUM (The National level Technical Fest 2023)

    Glimpses of Annual Festival of Agricultural Society - ADAMYA

    Glimpses of Band Show during Agriweek 2023

    Glimpses of Kalpanakriti'23 of Cultural Night of Home Science Society

    Junkyard Event

    Liberal Education

    Liberal Education programme/activities aims at the overall physical and mental development of the students and provid them opportunities to inculcate confidence and maturity among themselves. It also aims in development of specific talents and in giving opportunities to learn other national and foreign languages.

    All Programmes running under Liberal Education are non-gradial. The programmes are French, German, Punjabi, Hindi, Tamil Languages, Personality Development, Physical Fitness and Yoga (For Boys and Girls separately), Education in Human Values Programme, Music & Dance, Drawing and Art and Painting, Dynamic parenting.

    Faculty associated with Liberal Education

    Activities Photos

    National Service Scheme

    In the National Service Scheme, each student participates to earn two credits during his degree programme either by attending a 10days special camp organized in the adopted colony and completing 240 hours in two years in regular activities. This work is supervised by Coordinator, N.S.S. Students are required to work in villages under this scheme.

    Garbage Disposal by NSS students

    Tree plantation by NSS students

    View NSS Activity Report    Click Here

    National Cadet Corps (NCC)

    N.C.C. was established in one company of National cadet corps is being run on the campus. Those registering for N.C.C. have to do it continuously for two semesters to earn N.C.C. ‘B’ certificates. A NCC ‘Remount Veterinary Core’ is established in 2003-2004 for the students of the College of Veterinary Medicines & Animal Science. A N.C.C. Air wing is also established recently in 2004-2005 for exposure of University students.


    1 UK Air Sqn.NCC was raised at Pantnagar in 2008 as the first air squadron in the (UK) Uttarakhand Directorate. The main office is located at the Stevenson Stadium GBPUA&T, Pantnagar with a technical office subordinate to it located at Aeromodelling section, Pantnagar.

    The commanding officer has been playing the role of a guiding institution and provides vision for execution of motto of NCC “UNITY AND DISCIPLINE” with the present responsibility on the shoulders of Grp.Capt. A.K Chauhan with support of a Posted Instructional (PI) Staff which provides training to cadets.

    GBPUA&T Pantnagar - Sub-unit

    G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,Pantnagar is a sub-unit of 1 UK Air Sqn. NCC.

    The Students from the colleges in the University are enrolled in the unit has a strength of 100 cadets who are given NCC training under the guidance of Dr. Ajeet Pratap Singh, Caretaker officer (CTO) of the sub-unit.

    For Training Program/Activities/Campaigns/Achievements Information    Click Here

    SPIC MACAY, Pantnagar Chapter

    SPIC MACAY stands for Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth. This society was initially found by Dr. Kiran Seth, a Padma Shri awardee and a professor at IIT Delhi. We intend to enrich the quality of education by increasing awareness about Indian heritage and culture particularly among the youths of the nation. It focuses on imbibing the values associated. With the hope that the beauty, grace, values, and wisdom embodied in these arts will influence one's way of life and thinking and inspire them to become a better human being, the society seeks to inspire youth by exposing them to the mysticism contained in the rich and diverse cultural tapestry of Indian and World Heritage.


    The SPIC MACAY Pantnagar Chapter was registered on 24th January, 1980 at the Pantnagar University. At present Dr. Anuj Tewari, Asstt. Prof., Veterinary Microbiology is the coordinator of the society. Every year, we organise various programs with the objective of boosting the Indian culture and it's legacy. Some of the events organised in the previous years are Parampara, the Heritage fair which aims at promoting the local culture through annual stalls set up at kisan mela, Pantnagar. Local vendors and artisans are given the opportunity to make the youths aware of their traditions through the products they sell and their folk tales. Prastuti, the artistic evening witnesses great performers and Padma Shri awardee artists from all over the country, gracing the stage with their presence. In previous years our society hosted M.F. Hussain, Dr. Malbika Mitra, padamshree Smt. Ranjana Gauhar among other distinguished guests. The society also hosts Dharohar, a national level literary and cultural fest comprising of various events like vaividhya the open air event, parivesh the ethnic ramp show, jhanak the dance competition, antarbodh the debate competition, raga the music competition etc receiving hundreds of students from the University and from the other parts of the nation as well.

    In the year 2023 SPIC MACAY Pantnagar Chapter organized Prastuti-the Artist evening which were performed by Dr. Hitu Mishra and Master Samyak Parashar.